Monday, March 30, 2020

Chemicals - The Best Way to Prepare For a SAT or GRE

Chemicals - The Best Way to Prepare For a SAT or GRETaking a Chemistry Practice Test is not something you want to make up as you will be better off when it is tested. A practice test is where you will have to give a written exam. The only problem with this is that you are expected to pass this test, and the only way you can get this is by having read and understood the content in the text. A practice test should only be given as a last resort, because it might be the case that you could fail your exam and that you will need to find another school or college which offers a full course of study.Most of the students who are taking a Chemistry test do so for one reason or the other. Sometimes it is for a placement exam, and sometimes they are doing it for the sake of learning. As for all these types of students, it is a good idea to prepare for the examination the right way, and this means that you have to create a study routine that will make things easier. In addition, you need to choo se the right kind of material for your test.As for the materials that you need for a test, there are two. First, you have the textbook. The second is the supplement for the textbook. The second is something that can be acquired from the library. However, as for your sample test materials, this would be the online access materials.There are many kinds of chemistry tests that are given in colleges and universities. They include the SAT II, GRE, MCAT and the GMAT. The first kind of exam usually takes about an hour to be completed, and it includes questions of different types, plus the writing part and the problem solving part. You will be given a time limit to complete the exam. The GMAT test is different and is comprised of multiple choice questions and the essay type questions.The SAT test is meant to measure your skills on verbal and numerical reasoning, verbal and spatial skills, and language skills. The GRE is used to assess your skills on essay-writing and mathematical reasoning skills. The SAT II is used for college admissions purposes and is geared more towards academics.Since the SAT II and GRE tests have almost identical formats, the only difference between them is the number of questions. The number of questions of the SAT II are generally lower than those of the GRE, but the overall exam structure is similar. The GRE test usually lasts for longer than the SAT II.If you have to choose between the SAT and the GRE, the choice of test comes down to whether you want to take just one or you want to take both tests. This will depend on the school that you are taking, and the number of points that they expect from their applicants. One might think that taking both tests would be cheaper, but in fact this would not be the case, as the cost of both tests would be roughly equal.As for the best way to prepare for either the SAT or the GRE, this is dependent on the situation. If you are just trying to achieve a good grade on a test, then it is best to do as much r esearch as possible on the subject and gain as much information as possible. On the other hand, if you are taking the SAT or the GRE for admission purposes, then you will need to follow the same guidelines as if you were applying for university in the first place.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 tips for teaching English in Japan as a long-term career (from someone whos done it)

5 tips for teaching English in Japan as a long-term career (from someone who’s done it) Teaching English in Japan doesn’t have to be a short-term adventure. If you’re considering TEFL as a long-term career in Japan, here’s the scoop on how to do it. To get some solid TEFL career tips for teaching English in Japan, we decided to go straight to the source and talk to someone who’s been there. So we got in touch with Alex Barnes, an American who has been working in the English education industry in Japan since 2011, to pick his brain. Alex first started as an English teacher in Japan working at an English conversation school near Tokyo. Now, he’s the head of instructor training, observation and employee care at Benesse BE Studio. Pretty impressive, right? Based on our chat with Alex, we’ve compiled a list of five tips for developing a long-term (or even lifelong!) career teaching English in Japan. Let’s look at his advice at a glance and then dive in deeper. How can you make teaching English in Japan into a long-term career? Research everything you need to know about living and teaching in Japan. Choose an employer that supports professional development and career growth. Explore specific advancement opportunities that are available to teachers. Work towards securing a contract renewal and long-term employment. Get settled into life in Japan, so that you can stay as long as you’d like! 1. Research a career in teaching English in Japan. The best way to prepare for your TEFL journey is to do lots of research on teaching and living in Japan, as well as Japanese work culture. A great place to start is reading about what it’s really like to teach English in Japan from teachers who are currently living and working there. These days, there are a ton of online resources for those interested in living and working in Japan. But it’s wise to try to stick to reputable sources of information (instead of falling down a YouTube rabbit hole). For example, the Government of Canada has published a very informative guide for Teaching English in Japan. Although this is primarily meant to be a resource for Canadian citizens, it’s full of information that applies to TEFL teachers of all nationalities. Next, it’s a good idea to set some career goals for yourself and come up with an action plan for how to achieve them. If you’re planning to have a long career in teaching anywhere, then getting a university degree in education is seriously worth considering. Or, if you’re a US citizen and already have a bachelor’s degree (in any subject), you can easily become a licensed teacher through an alternative teacher certification program. Now let’s look at a more specific example. Let’s say your goal is to have a long-term career specifically in a field like teaching English to young learners in Japan. Your action plan can start with completing the online University of Toronto OISE TEFL course with a specialization in teaching English to young learners. And then you can research schools in Japan that cater to young learners. For example, Benesse BE Studio may be a good fit for you. It’s also a good idea to start learning basic Japanese before you take off. This will help you settle into life in Japan faster, which is particularly important if you plan on staying for a long time. 2. Find a job that offers opportunities for career development. Once you’re ready to get serious about your job search, you’ll likely find that there are countless postings for English teaching jobs in Japan all over the internet. Feel free to look around, but my advice is to stick to TEFL-education-specific job boards, like the Teach Away job board. Reputable schools with good long-term career growth opportunities are more likely to recruit teachers on these sites. When looking at job postings, keep an eye out for specific mentions of career growth opportunities that would be available to you. Most schools that support professional development will highlight this benefit on their website and job postings. Some schools offer teachers paid training and professional development programs as part of their compensation and benefits package. For instance, Benesse BE Studio provides paid initial training and lesson observations to get you classroom-ready before you start teaching. If you can’t find information about a school’s professional development opportunities online, this is a great thing to ask about during an interview. 3. Look into specific opportunities for advancement for teachers in Japan. Any reputable school or education company should be able to provide opportunities for advancement within their organization. Let’s look at what some of the more common professional development opportunities look like in Japan. Expanding your range as a teacher You don’t necessarily need to stick to teaching one age group at a certain type of school your whole career. There are many opportunities out there for expanding your teaching range to other specializations. For instance, you may start off your career teaching English to young learners in Japan and later decide that you’d like to work with teenagers at a cram school to prepare them for English university entrance exams. Making this career move is completely doable with some additional training. Pursuing a career with group companies One of the benefits of working for a big education company in Japan is that it offers a wide range of teaching opportunities within one group of schools. Expanding on our example above, this means that once you’re prepared to teach teens, you can look into transferring to a cram school that’s part of the same group of companies that recruited you to teach young learners. Group companies also often work together on projects, which is a great opportunity for networking and finding the next career step that’s right for you. Expanding your skills to support other teachers Once you’ve built up some teaching experience, you may want to consider helping to train teachers who are early on in their careers by becoming a mentor. Participating in a mentorship program is also a great way to build skills outside of teaching to have a more well-rounded resume. Best of all, being a mentor allows you to have a greater impact on the teachers you support and the students they teach. Pursuing a career at the corporate level Sometimes there are opportunities at a company’s head office for educators who demonstrate their value and have specific skills. This means that you might be able to grow your career beyond the classroom and work in human resources, product development or other roles â€" as was the case for Alex Barnes. The more prepared you are for the skill set required for the role you are seeking, the better. A certain level of Japanese proficiency is also usually required. All that said, there can often be a fair bit of competition for coveted management positions, particularly at larger companies. Being recognized for great work and understanding what’s required for higher positions are the keys to long-term career advancement in Japan. 4. Do your best to get your teaching contract renewed. Once you accept a job with an employer who offers the career advancement opportunities you’re looking for, it’s time to start focusing on how you’re going to take full advantage of them. You should start by setting yourself up for teaching English in Japan for a long time. English teachers in Japan generally first get hired on one-year contracts that are tied to their work visa. But that doesn’t mean you can’t plan to stay longer from the get-go! When employers make contract renewal decisions, teachers are often evaluated based on their work performance, their reputation among coworkers, and direct feedback from students and parents. So make sure you work hard and meet all of your employer’s expectations. This includes taking initiative and adapting to Japanese work culture. Some great advice is to always think about what’s best for your students and be conscious of working in a team. And if there is one golden rule to live by while teaching English in Japan it’s: don’t forget to always be polite and respectful. Both are particularly important in Japanese culture. If you’re planning to stay in Japan for many years, it’s crucial to make yourself comfortable by learning all about Japanese culture and customs. And most importantly: learn some Japanese! Sure, you’ll be able to get by with just greetings and pleasantries, but the more fluent you become, the more at home you’ll start to feel. 5. Research how to apply for permanent residency in Japan as an English teacher. Once Japan starts to feel like home, make sure to look into immigration status requirements. While most English teachers go to Japan on a renewable short-term work visa sponsored by their employer, if you want to move there for much longer, we have good news: it recently became easier to become a permanent resident of Japan! Dealing with immigration paperwork and formalities can be a hassle, but a good employer should help support you through this process. For instance, Alex told us that at BE Studio: “We have a specialist supporting teachers’ visa renewal process, as well as changes in their status of residence. Although teachers prepare the application themselves, we remind teachers as it gets close to the end of their visa period. We also provide proof of employment and any other certificates needed depending on the situation. There are a number of teachers and corporate staff at BE studio with permanent residency, and the company can provide advice and support in order to do so.” So what’s next? With this advice in mind, you can start taking the right steps toward a rewarding, long-term teaching career in Japan. In short, the key takeaways from our chat with Alex are to start by researching teaching opportunities in Japan, find an employer who offers the career advancement opportunities you’re looking for, do a great job and make long-term immigration plans. Are you ready to start your career teaching English in Japan? Start by creating a free Teach Away account to apply for one of the 100+ open positions currently on our Japan job board. Looking for a teaching job in Japan with excellent career development opportunities? Benesse BE Studio may be the perfect fit for you. Check out their latest job post for Early Childhood English Teachers.

How to Find a Tutor Near Me

How to Find a Tutor Near MeThe search for a good school is a vital step in making the best use of your time. It can be hard to find someone who will actually help you with your studies and it is important that you make sure that you choose the right school for you. Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind when it comes to finding a good school.A tutor is really important to help you with your education. But most of the time, they can be hard to find. If you want to find one who will really help you out, it is important that you make sure that you know where to look for them. Here are some tips that will help you find the right school.First, you need to find out about the facilities. You may think that you know a great school where a tutor can be found but in reality, it is likely that they have many different facilities. This means that if you want to find a good school, you need to think about the facilities that you would like to have.Second, you also need to find out a bout the quality of the school where you will be finding a tutor. There are so many things that can go wrong in terms of education, even something as simple as the quality of a tutor can have huge repercussions. Make sure that you are going to a school that has good facilities, good classes and even good teachers.Lastly, when it comes to finding a tutor, make sure that you are getting the best price. You may want to ask your friends who they recommend and try to talk to them about which school they went to. However, you will need to consider that this is quite expensive and in the end, this is a large part of the cost of schooling.These are the three most important things that you need to take into consideration. When you take all of these into consideration, you will be sure that you find the right school for you. When you are done with all of these things, you will be ready to find the right school for you.When you find a tutor who can really help you out, make sure that you are r eally considering all of the different factors. Otherwise, you could end up paying too much for something that you do not need.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Vocabulary Learning - Learn English Vocabulary in School

English Vocabulary Learning - Learn English Vocabulary in SchoolWhat is the benefit of learning English vocabulary in school? Well, it can help you understand and speak English better. As you will be able to learn more in a short time, you can easily pass your English speaking test.English has evolved from its primitive state. Today, it has become a common language in many countries across the world. In the past, only very few people are able to speak it fluently. Now, almost everyone is speaking English with ease.Apart from all this, English has taken over other languages such as Spanish and Portuguese. This means that a lot of people have to learn this language. The languages that have not been completely conquered are still popular. Here, the top four of these languages are French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the world. Today, it is the second language used by a majority of people. There are so many things you can do when yo u learn English vocabulary. You can find jobs in the United States and Europe, become a freelance writer or a web designer, become a coach or even travel around the world. In fact, even if you are studying English as a foreign language, you can find a job abroad.Although you can say that it is very difficult to learn English vocabulary, it is also not impossible. What you need to do is to make sure that you choose the right courses to help you learn.After you have mastered English vocabulary, you will be able to communicate effectively with those who don't know English. By having the ability to converse with them, you will be able to further your career and find a better future.To sum up, English vocabulary learning can be a very beneficial experience for you. You can easily overcome obstacles in life, learn new things and enhance your personal skill set.

The Career Paths For a Bond Order Chemistry Major

The Career Paths For a Bond Order Chemistry MajorA bond order chemistry student must be ready to deal with many challenges, as the results of learning a science will usually be experienced throughout their life. This may mean that they are in need of higher education, or they may wish to pursue a career in a new area. Most bond order chemistry students will also have the capability to go on to research with their Master's degree, and even go on to work in the field of Chemistry.Bond order chemistry involves the study of reacting materials through chemical processes, and in many cases, teaching students how to identify materials, processes, and compounds. Bond order chemistry can be applied in a variety of ways and will help to lay the foundations for a career in the field of Chemistry.The study of chemistry is a very important part of society, and the basic aim of any student is to obtain a fundamental understanding of the subject. Most students who study chemistry will soon begin to find out that they are at an advantage, as their experiences may benefit other individuals. The ability to be able to learn the secrets of Chemistry is also a source of pride for most people. Many will continue to have a career in the field of Chemistry, or possibly further down the line.With a degree in Chemistry, students will also find that the world of Science, and the Universe around us become a lot more comprehensible. It is important to realize that if you want to be successful in the world of Science, you will have to take the time to become well versed in all aspects of the subject. This may require a new vocabulary to understand, but it will certainly provide the needed foundation for building a career in the field of Science.Often, students who study Chemistry will find that their major will have a direct bearing on their future in the Science field. At the same time, some careers in Science can take years to develop, and a degree in Chemistry can provide the knowledge t o get you into a position that will improve your future opportunities. Students will often find that this will be a fundamental aspect of any future careers in Science. They can then decide whether to keep studying Chemistry in order to improve their chances of getting into a better position, or whether they should head for a career in another field of Science.Many scientists have careers in academia, research labs, and industry, and this is likely why so many scientists choose to study Chemistry as a science course. These days, there are plenty of companies that would love to employ a chemist, and those who study Chemistry often find themselves in a position where they have more than a clear understanding of chemistry.Some students in the Bond Order Chemistry major will find that this will benefit them in their career of choice, and they will find that this will also provide a very rewarding experience. In this day and age, it is very important for any student to have a good unders tanding of Chemistry in order to have the opportunity to achieve success in the field of Science.

What is it Like to Attend Wingate University

What is it Like to Attend Wingate University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Leah is a Charlotte tutor specializing in English tutoring, reading tutoring, writing tutoring and a number of other areas. She is currently a senior at Wingate University majoring in English. See what she had to share about Wingate University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Leah: Wingate University is a relatively small campus located in a rural area. The closest urban area is Charlotte, which is about 45 minutes from Wingate. I felt extremely safe on campus because everyone knew everyone else. It was a network of people who had developed close relationships with one another. There were not any buses that came through the area, so I did a lot of walking during my first two years on campus. It is very convenient to have a car or to know someone who has a car, especially if you want to get off campus for a while. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants at Wingate University? Leah: The class sizes at Wingate University are also relatively small. The maximum amount of students that will be in a class is 30. I have taken classes where there were only six students enrolled. The small class sizes allow students to make connections with their professors and to get the necessary help that they need. The professors on campus are amazing people, and they genuinely care for students and their success. Professors also double as academic advisers, so it is somewhat easy to contact them, if necessary. Freshman students are required to meet with academic advisers before class registration during their first year. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Leah: I highly recommend dorm life because I feel that it enhances the entire college experience. I made life-long friendships by spending time with people on campus, especially my roommates. It also helps to be on campus because there will be nights when you have to stay up late working on assignments, and it is nice to have access to the spaces that are needed for those cram sessions. Wingate University offers four different dining options: the cafeteria, the Klondike, Einsteins, and Subway. These places take meal plans, as well as Bulldog Bucks. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported at Wingate University? Leah: Wingate University usually promotes the pharmacy and education programs because of their prestige, but I studied English. English is my passion. It always has been, and I cannot imagine doing anything else. The literature classes offered on campus are extremely diverse and cover a wide span of time. My English classes were always my favorite out of the other courses I was required to take. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Leah: I came to Wingate University having already known people, but being assigned a roommate also helped with socialization. I joined various organizations on campus, which exposed me to a diverse population of people. Greek life did not play a role in my college experience since I did not have a desire to join a sorority, but for some people, it is a rewarding experience. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Leah: Career services on campus was extremely helpful in preparing me for job interviews, as well as formatting resumes and cover letters. There are at least four opportunities on campus for students to network with local employers who are looking to hire graduates. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges at Wingate University? Leah: I recommend studying in the library since there is a lot of space available. The ARC in the library at Wingate University can be noisy at times, but that is the place where tutoring takes place. There are also quiet rooms available, which are good for those who need to focus. Describe the surrounding town. Leah: There are various places to eat that are cheap, but decent. There are not a lot of shopping options near campus, but Wingate University is not that far from Charlotte. There are no clubs or bars near campus either. Again, Charlotte is where most people go on the weekends for entertainment. There are two movie theaters in Monroe and Indian Trail, which are not far from campus, but you will need a car to get to those places. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Leah: The freshman class size keeps increasing every year, which makes it difficult to provide housing for everyone. The student body, as a whole, is not large. It does not exceed 10,000 students. I like that there are not a lot of people on campus, though. It allows people to build close connections and to see familiar faces every day. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Leah: During my junior year, I became Dr. Mills teaching assistant. He was my British Literature professor, and I thoroughly enjoyed his class. He has been an amazing mentor, not just for school, but for life. I treasure the time that I got to spend getting to know him and working for him. He genuinely cared about me as a student, as well as a person. He constantly asked about my life and how my classes were going. When I took on difficult course loads and classes, such as biology, he would inquire about my progress in those courses, and how I was managing everything. He would advise me in these matters very often, and told me to take care of myselfeven told me to take breaks every now and then. After graduating, I know that I will keep in touch with him because he has been such a positive influence in my life. He has made my experience at Wingate University treasured and memorable. Check out Leahs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

40+ Best Gifts for Singers of All Ages Genres

40+ Best Gifts for Singers of All Ages Genres Natalie Hagen Looking for the best gifts for singers? We’ve done the searching for you! Here, you’ll find more than 40 gift ideas for singers of all ages and musical preferences. Our list includes everything from a home karaoke system to microphone sleeves to a vocal dampener. No matter your budget, you’re sure to find something for that special singer in your life whether they’re into rock or pop. Best Gifts for Singers Small Gifts Stocking Stuffers Throat Pastilles ($6.36) There is nothing worse than having a scratchy throat right before singing. These pastilles will keep the throat smooth and the voice clear. Microphone Charm Bracelet ($17.44) Personal touches make the best gifts. This charm bracelet not only showcases a love for singing, but also customizable birthstones and initial charms. Cozy Headphones ($19.99) Does the singer in your life eat, sleep, and dream music? These headphones let them listen to their favorite tunes at bedtime, while remaining comfortable. Business Card Case ($25.98) Every artist should have a business card holder that is just as creative and unique as them. They’ll need one when meeting with potential partners!     Singer’s Oil ($17.32) This is one of the best gifts for singers who frequently perform on stage or in front of a crowd. It helps take care of the voice and protect against hoarseness. Karaoke Key Chain ($10.53) Let everybody know who the queen of karaoke night really is, with this fun key chain! It also makes a great stocking stuffer at Christmas time. Microphone Cleaner ($5.40) After all those belts and ballads, microphones really need a good cleaning. This special cleaner easily and safely removes dirt from the mesh head of a microphone. “I Sing Alto” Pin ($3.90) Every singer wants to show the world what their true superpower is, and this little pin definitely makes a statement! For the Singer’s Home Headphone Bookends ($64.95) A home should be just as stylish as the person living in it. And singers can now pay homage to their favorite pastime with these creative bookends! Musical Wine Glasses ($64.95) There’s nothing better after a long day than a glass of wine. These unique glasses keep the inspiration flowing as they play the major scale! “In My Head I’m Singing” Mug ($9.87) Now singers can sip from a mug that tells the world what they’re already thinking about singing! Shower Head Speaker ($199) Singing in the shower just got even more fun. This unique shower head plays your favorite songs while delivering a steady stream of water. Home Karaoke System ($159.99) One of the best gifts for singers is giving them a way to practice their talent (and show it off)! Karaoke nights just got better with this compact home system that includes a speaker. Best Albums Poster ($16.56) Part decor, part game, this musical bucket list showcases 100 of the best albums ever made. Each album can be scratched off as you listen to it, to reveal the colorful album cover below. Sound Wave Print ($38.25) Using visual sound waves to portray a favorite song is a great way to remember special moments. Customize your own print and have it showcased in the home forever. Best Singer Pillowcase ($10.24) Have sweet dreams sleeping on this pillowcase that is a constant reminder of who the best singer in the house is. Customizable Mixtape Doormat $37.91 Let all houseguests know that a diehard music-lover lives in the house with this personalized doormat. Best Practical Gifts for Singers Vocal Dampener ($49.95) Practice is key to becoming a good singer, but that doesn’t mean that everyone around needs to listen in. This dampener reduces sound so that the practice room can be taken anywhere. Recording Microphone ($29.99) Recording a new song is as easy as can be with this microphone recorder. It plugs directly into a computer to record vocals with crisp clean sound. Music Teacher Clipboard ($26.48) There’s nothing that shows a teacher how appreciated they are quite like a personalized clipboard. If the singer in your life is also an instructor, this is the perfect accessory for recitals and practices! In-Ear Headphones ($87.14) Not only do these in-ears help amplify sound, but they’re also great for noise cancellation. Musicians know how important both are at any gig or performance.     Studio Recording Package ($223.13) This is on our list of the best gifts for singers because it brings the recording studio home in an affordable way. The package comes complete with a mic, headphones, and recording software.   Hydro Flask ($29.95) Staying hydrated is one of the most important things a singer can do for their vocal health. A Hydro Flask water bottle is a great reminder to drink more water. Portable Headphone Amplifier ($59.99) Headphones just got better! Plug them into this portable amplifier and experience sound that is not only louder, but cleaner as well. Mobile Audio Interface ($57.36) Inspiration can come anytime and anywhere. This helpful device allows singers to make studio-quality recordings directly on their mobile phone or tablet.     Private Singing Lessons ($20-100) Even the most seasoned singer can use some one-on-one coaching. Private lessons are a great way to help take their skills to the next level. Headphone Amp ($99.95) This little USB delivers big sound! It easily plugs into a computer to provide rich clear sound. Now you can listen to music the way it was meant to be heard. Microphone Isolation Shield ($45.24) There’s nothing worse than an echo when you’re trying to record a new song. This foldable microphone shield not only absorbs sound, but it’s also convenient to carry and store. Humidifier ($33.83) Singers know how important vocal health is, and a humidifier helps keep the voice and throat in top shape. This is an excellent practical gift, especially in those cold winter months! Vocal Effects Pedal ($281.70) This compact vocal pedal allows singers to add awesome effects to their songs. Options include a compressor, enhancer, echo, and more. Best Fun Gifts for Singers Encore Singing Game ($19.79) What better way to bring singers together than with a healthy dose of musical competition. This game forces players to come up with as many songs as they can that include a specific word. Chocolate Record ($28) What’s better than a vinyl record? An edible one! This yummy chocolate record and cassette tape make a great novelty gift for a singer with a sweet tooth. BH Gift Card ($25-200) This is one of the best gifts for singers who love to shop for new gear. BH has tons of quality recording equipment, microphones, in-ears, and more!   Microphone Sleeve ($19.99) Spruce up any old microphone and show some personality with this fun sleeve! Better yet get one to match every outfit. Online Singing Classes ($0-20) Group classes are an excellent way to develop new skills and meet other singers. With a subscription to TakeLesson Live, your favorite singer gets to interact with a live, online teacher. Gourmet Tea Set ($34-49) Tea is a necessity for singers it helps calm the throat and clears the voice. These fancy tea chests turn a simple, hot beverage into a special and useful gift. Best Gifts for the Singer-Songwriter Rhyming Dictionary ($14.63) Singers often get stuck when writing new material, but this essential songwriter’s dictionary will help keep the verses flowing. Songwriters Guild Membership ($60-225) Another one of the best gifts for singers who love to create their own original pieces, an SGA membership will help them get published, work on licensing, and more. Songwriting Journal  ($10) Every songwriter needs a quality notebook to jot down all their great ideas and lyrics. This customizable notebook is a classic and fits easily into any purse or backpack.   Concert Tickets ($40 and up) Concerts are an excellent way for singer-songwriters to get inspired. (Hint: Check out their Spotify playlists if you dont know who their favorite artists are yet). Shortcuts to Hit Songwriting Book ($38.68) Every singer wants their voice to be heard, and this little book offers tips and tricks for writing songs that become hits! We hope you enjoyed this list of the best gifts for singers. When shopping online, don’t forget to add gift wrapping so the item will arrive ready to go. For some money-saving deals, shop on Black Friday or Cyber Monday! You can also check out a business’s social media page and email newsletter for their current promotions. As always, it’s the thought that counts. The singer in your life will be grateful for whatever you choose, and may even serenade you in gratitude! Need Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

How to Ace Your AP Courses

How to Ace Your AP Courses AP courses are extremely challenging. They are structured differently than regular classes because they are roughly modeled after university-level seminars. If a student can successfully adjust to the intensity of his or her AP classes, this will ensure the transition to college is much smoother. Here are five tips to help you ace your AP courses: Acknowledge and adjust to the workload In order to succeed in AP classes, the first and most important step is to adjust ones attitude toward a heavy workload. Advanced Placement courses are significantly more demanding and time-consuming than regular high school classes. If it is your first time enrolling in an AP course, the increase in the quantity and difficulty of assignments may seem overwhelming to you. Thus, you must train yourself to manage your time well, remain organized, seek out resources like tutors, and treat stress in a healthy manner. Since AP classes simulate the style and rigor of college courses, becoming accustomed to this caliber of class now will benefit you in your higher education. If you choose to challenge yourself with AP courses in high school, you will be more prepared for university than you may at first realize. Here is a great test prep timeline for AP exams. Always complete assigned readings Given the intensity of the workload, avoiding reading assignments can seem a tempting option. Regardless of how arduous your AP coursesmay feel, it is absolutely essential that you not neglect any readings your instructor assigns you. This is perhaps one of the most common mistakes that AP students make. Instructors rarely cover all the important material in class, so individuals will encounter much of the courses critical subject matter in their readings. In order to ace your AP classes, you must be independent and motivated, as they demand more self-learning than other courses. Therefore, if you do not complete your readings, you are likely missing material you must know to do well on the AP exam. Read passages with a careful eye There is a vast difference between reading and reading critically. AP courses insist that students do the latter when approaching their readings. Your goal should not be to finish the assignment, but to dissect it from different perspectives. A wise reader looks for patterns, links, similarities, and contrasts within a text. Take notes in the margins, use Post-its, and highlight material that seems important. For example, if the course is AP U.S. History, pay extra attention to the causes and effects of wars, historical turning points, and major technological advancements. In theory, AP students should be able to recognize the central ideas in their readings. Hone your skills with sample tests Taking practice AP exams is an excellent way to prepare for the real test. This strategy will familiarize you with the instructions and format of the exam, the types of questions it utilizes, and the time allotted for each section. It should come as no surprise that individuals with more exposure to AP exam questions typically score higher on their true AP tests. Completing AP practice tests can only equip you for test day. You may also want to look over this information on how to prep for AP exams. Strengthen your vocabulary For many students, one of the most daunting aspects of an AP class is the vocabulary it employs. Enrolling in an AP course reveals a whole new world of terminology related to a particular field. At times, individuals may find themselves losing points on the AP exam because they do not understand a word, not because they do not understand the topic a question presents. The inclusion of unfamiliar terms can make subject matter seem more difficult than it truly is, so AP students should possess a basic understanding of the jargon associated with their classes. Developing a wide, sophisticated vocabulary is invaluable when working to ace your AP courses.

Jukebox Musicals

Jukebox Musicals Artists Featured in Jukebox Musicals ChaptersEarly Jukebox MusicalsThe Jukebox Musical Gains TractionThe Jukebox Musical Matures, DiversifiesThe Future of Jukebox MusicalsOnce upon a time, the novelty of musical entertainment was a box containing wax or paper cylinders that, once a coin was deposited into the machine, the selected song would play.Early versions of these machines predate the radio but once radio broadcasting went mainstream â€" meaning that music could be had for free, the pay-to-hear music boxes became the go-to device for listening to popular songs while at one’s favourite hangout.Those boxes were called jukes or jukeboxes.They presumably got their name from the American South, from the Gulla-Geechee language spoken by the Creole people, who would go to juke joints to drink, dance and generally get rowdy.By definition, juke or jook means rowdy, disorderly or wicked.Fascinating history lesson but what does it have to do with musical theatre? Great question!At the height of their popularity, these juke boxes, no longer confined to the bayous of Louisiana were installed in every venue possible, from dance clubs to dive bars â€" the places where carrying at least a knife was advisable.In the US, where their popularity soared, they featured in malt shops and restaurants where kids congregated after school, and they always contained the latest hit records by all the top stars.A single jukebox might contain five or six records each from Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley and Fats Domino.From those random groupings of songs â€" some from the same artists, it wasn’t much of a stretch to compile a single artist’s, group’s or year’s music into a choreographed stage show, with or without a storyline.It helped that musical films such as An American in Paris and Rock Around the Clock were wildly popular; if they could make money by presenting loosely associated collections of songs, why shouldn’t a repertory company or performing troupe?And so, the first jukebox musicals were crafted… Car lActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ElifActing Teacher 5.00 (10) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CalumActing Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ChristopherActing Teacher 5.00 (9) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriActing Teacher 5.00 (8) £85/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielActing Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CiaranActing Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsEarly Jukebox Musicals Elvis Presley's music, so often featured in jukeboxes, inevitably would become a new musical Image by blitzmaerker from PixabayObviously, recording artists could not exist until there was a way to record them. And then, once recording methods were established, who would become a recording star would be decided by public opinion, reflected in record sales.Finally, there had to be enough records by said artist to fill a respectable number of slots in a jukebox.The long and the short of this analysis is: jukebox musicals could not exist before the mid-20th Century.Admittedly, early efforts at weaving a single artist’s work into a musical were paltry; in fact, most of the early attempts yielded musical revues rather than anything remotely resembling the day’s Broadway shows.The lone exception to the shows put together in the 70s was Elvis, a 1977 production that detailed his life and career. Ticket sales were no doubt driven, at least in part, by his legions of grieving fans; he had died that year at only 44 years of age.You might wonder about Beatlemania…Indeed, the Beatles were quite popular and their music was ‘covered’ - performed by other artists. Inevitably, the Fab Four’s popularity led to their being the subject of a Broadway musical.This Broadway production, which ran from 1977 to 1979, was remarkable for nothing if not its technical aspects.Against the backdrop of the turbulent 60s, Beatles music played as various newspaper headlines and video clips of newsworthy events flashed on multiple screens, topped by headlines that roughly corresponded to the same time the song being played was popular.In that sense, Beatlemania too was a revue, even though it broke barriers for its innovative use of technology.Trivia question: why weren’t the Beatles’ musicals considered rock/pop musicals?The Jukebox Musical Gains TractionMany believe that Mamma Mia!, the sensational musical comprising of ABBA songs was their first foray into weaving a musical out of their chart-toppers.As well-loved as this engaging show is (you can stream it or rent it; some devoted fans have even bought their own copy of it!), it was not the group’s first time adapting their music and lyrics to suit musical theatre; Abbacadabra was.If you’ve never heard of it, there’s probably a good reason: the show was created as a children’s television programme and the songs were altered to be more suitable for young audiences.For instance, the slightly menacing Money, Money Money became Mon Nez, Mon Nez, Mon Nez â€" My Nose, My Nose, My Nose â€" a song topic that would no doubt thrill any child between the ages of two and five!By this time, Disney Studios had firmly established themselves as American film musical producers for that demographic. They satisfied English-speaking audiences's craving for musicals (and, later, audiences of other languages) and ABBA filled any gaps for musicals that the American musical producer left.Rather tellingly, the ABBA men w ent to collaborate on several stage musical ventures…As the Swedish group’s star was rising, the American musical was still looking backwards. That decade, two retrospectives premiered: Always… Patsy Cline and Buddy â€" The Buddy Holly Story.Both musicians had died very young and in plane crashes. As they were much revered, the best way to pay tribute to them was to write new musicals about their life and art.Still, not all was tragedy on Broadway, even if the rest of the decade’s jukebox shows was spent on looking back. Two shows, The Leader of the Pack and Return to the Forbidden Planet both featured sounds from early 60s rock’n’roll.It seemed, for a while, that the jukebox musical was doomed to hindsight… until just before Y2K. As disco ruled the airwaves, so to did it feature in musical productions Image by Pharaoh_EZYPT from PixabayThe Jukebox Musical Matures, DiversifiesFor most of the 90s, jukebox musicals continued their trend of looking back. Among the titles of that decade were:Saturday Night Fever â€" the stage show based on the 70s smash filmDisco Inferno: loosely based on Dante’s work, it featured music from the disco eraForever Plaid: male vocal harmony groups of the 50sThe Marvelous Wonderettes: female vocal harmony groups of the 50s and 60sFive Guys Named Moe was based on a musical short from the 40sBoogie Nights: the lone British offering of the decade (save one), which also showcased music from the 70sAnd then came Mamma Mia!It obliterated any record set by Rodgers and Hammerstein â€" it out-performed both The Sound of Music and The King and I, legendary shows by those ‘song and dance’ producers. It surpassed Beauty and the Beast for the number of shows played.Rumour has it that, on any day of the year, you can find tickets for Mamma Mia!, put on by any given theatre company, anywhere in the world.The show is raucous and fun, ultimately relatable to anyone who grew up during the disco era, anyone who has ever been a single parent and anyone who longed to discover who their absent parent really is.And, of course, anyone who likes to be a part of the show: for its encore, the cast invites the audience to stand and sing with them!Mamma Mia! did for the jukebox musical what Phantom of the Opera did for book musicals: it made the genre appealing, accessible and relatable. No longer would musical theater be targeted to patrons of certain sensibilities; Mamma opened the floodgates to the greater public.Audiences have never been hungrier for musical entertainment.The first decade of the new millennium brought forth more than 40 musicals of this type; some showcased the music of a single artist or group, such as Tonight’s the Night, featuring the music of Rod Stewart or Jersey Boys â€" the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.Others addressed an era or facet of popular music, such as Rock of Ages (80s glam metal) or On the Record (Disney songs) â€" although there is some debate over whether that last should be considered a true jukebox musical or a revue.As you might guess from some of these titles and/or descriptions, these shows do not have the gravitas of My Fair Lady or Fiddler on the Roof.But then again, the times are different and audiences want feel-good familiarity, not concept musicals that will make them think or preach at them. With her more than 60 years worth of performances, Cher certainly deserves her own musical! Image by skeeze from PixabayThe Future of Jukebox MusicalsThe glory of jukeboxes didn’t last long. Portable radios and, later, portable devices pretty much cancelled out the jukes’ practicality.They did enjoy a brief resurgence when compact discs came on the scene; today, they still enjoy a bit of a novelty effect thanks to their MP3 format, which allows the storing of more music, more compactly.Still, the Golden Age of jukeboxes, and of the music they featured, is long gone. Does the same hold true for jukebox musicals?We need only to look at box office receipts for The Cher Show (2018) that depicts her life and songs. It ran for just over a year and won several Tony Awards. It is not an original Broadway show; rather, it premiered in Chicago and then joined the catalogue of Broadway musicals for that year.Is Cher a bit too dated? How about Britney?Once Upon a One More Time is a story abo ut princesses, set to the very pop music of that former Disney star. Its debut is set for next spring, with Keone as the choreographer.Did you enjoy the film Clueless? It’s not exactly Mean Girls but it does feature similar elements and songs from the film. It opened off-Broadway last year; talks of it going international are underway.Do you like Cabaret shows? You’re in luck! Moulin Rouge is headed your way in about a year; don’t miss out on your chance to buy tickets.Fact is, everybody is now getting in on the act: French artists put on Hit Parade, Mexico staged Si Nos Dejan and German artist Udo Lindenberg broke away from his rock roots to become writer and artistic director for Beyond the Horizon.In this decade alone, Take That regaled us with The Band, Richard Hawley gave us Standing at the Sky’s Edge and The Spice Girls treated us to Viva Forever!None of them are Tony Award winners. None of them is quite of the same calibre as West Side Story, even though they mean to speak to a more youthful audience, as West Side did.Clearly, with titles ripped straight from Top 40 charts, we shouldn’t expect grandiose opera or anything that compares to the likes of, say, a Gilbert and Sullivan production.What you will get is a hefty dose of fun and perhaps a dash of reminiscence… and, if you’re in luck, perhaps the best musical adaptations ever conceived.If you find it hard to distinguish between operas and musicals (don’t worry, many think they are one and the same!), you need our exposé on the different types of musicals…